Grug Brained Guide to KZG Polynomial Commitments

In this post, I'm aiming to explain to myself what a KZG polynomial commitment is, and talk about my Zig implementation. If you're only curious about the Zig usage, feel free to skip to the last section.

Why another explainer?

Most blog posts/explainers I found out there start off with the heavy math or the deep technical components of what a KZG polynomial commitment is right away. They also are often disconnected, going from one concept to the next without making it very clear how it all links together. The real kicker imo is that none really starts off with the motivation behind KZG in the context of Ethereum and a brief technical overview first. The closest I found was @protolambda's implementor notes.

So this post is more of a post to myself prior to learning about KZG, and is meant to be a bridge to the more technical and instructional articles (each word here is a link!) that already exists out there.

This post might be helpful if you think like me and require some motivating examples and a high level overview first to put the technical knowledge into practice. Otherwise, more technical readers should probably read the above links instead.

Why KZG commitments?

Before we understand what a KZG commitment is, I'd like to think that we should understand what they're used for first.

For a long while, Ethereum transaction fees have been way too expensive for regular users. Every transaction you made had to be processed by every participating validator in the network, and the fees that you pay is the cost of processing those transactions.

Rollups were meant to solve this problem by bundling transactions together but even rollup fees can get too expensive for many users since rollups still need to pay for the data posted onto mainnet, and this posting of data is a function of how large the data blobs are and the current L1 gas price.

Knowing the above, the solution is probably to

  1. either post less data or not post the data at all, and/or
  2. have some sort of gas-agnostic way to post the data

The long term solution is to shard data which takes time to implement, so a stopgap solution is necessary to make fees cheaper for now. This stopgap is EIP-4844. The crux of it is to introduce the transaction format that will be used in sharding but not actually shard those transactions. This (kinda) addresses the 2 problems above. Notably, point 1 is where KZG commitments come in.

"either post less data or not post the data at all"

Currently, transaction data is stored within the calldata, which is visible to the EVM and is a permanent part of the blockchain. EIP-4844 introduces blob-carrying transactions which makes Ethereum store data on the consensus layer rather than the execution layer (EVM). Rather, what the execution layer sees is the commitment to those blobs. These commitments are smaller in size which saves on gas, and it is sufficient to verify these commitments without needing to access the actual blobs.

Note here also that the consensus layer also does not store the blobs in perpetuity - the role of the consensus layer is to provide a secure real-time view of what is being published.

"have some sort of gas-agnostic way to post the data"

So 4844 solves this by introducing an entirely separate fee market for blobs (which is why I said kinda above). This is out of scope of this post, since it has nothing to do with how KZG works. Instead, the proto-danksharding FAQ has a section that goes in-depth into the fee market structure.

KZG commitments

Now we can get to how we achieve point 1 mentioned above. Commitment schemes allow one to publish a value which binds one to a message without revealing it. One can then open the commitment and reveal the committed message to a verifier to be checked. Of course this only makes sense if the cost of committing is less than the cost of sending the entire message.

KZG (Kate-Zaverucha-Goldberg) commitments are a class of the above scheme.

Some key characteristics that is useful for 4844:

  • Constant size commitment/proof (48 bytes). This is especially useful for batching, since the proof size is always constant regardless of the size of the blob.
  • Verification is a single pairing check (constant time)

How it works, ELI5

The scheme itself is stupidly simple from an engineering POV and I didn't realize this myself prior to implementing it (The math is super complicated though). @protolambda explained it best in the notes linked at the top: you only need

  1. a linear combination to compute a KZG commitment,
  2. a single pairing verification to verify a KZG proof

Obviously there are way more details behind how the above steps happen (serialization/deserialization of blobs, how pairings work, optimizations, etc.), but the above 2 steps is really all that is happening in the scheme.

Again, I would highly recommend the other articles for the math but nevertheless I will give a short overview here - note that this is in the context of blobs. I will also (try to) include the little details I noticed in the code that some articles I've read seem to have missed out on.


Some commitment schemes use some secret value within its computation, and this secret value is often obtained via something called a trusted setup.

Essentially this is a multiparty procedure where each party creates some secret and runs a computation to mix it with the previous contributions. Eventually, the final secret value will be used for the commitment scheme. This secret value will be used to compute all group elements that are available to the prover and the verifier.

The cool thing about this trusted setup is that it has a "1-of-N" trust assumption, which means only a single participant is required to be honest for the procedure to be secure. That means, unless you don't trust yourself, trusted setups are generally OK to trust.

Some fun numbers: there were 141,416 contributors to the KZG ceremony, and the ongoing (as of writing this) Penumbra summoning ceremony already has about 11,799 contributors!


As mentioned earlier, a commitment is simply a linear combination. A blob of bytes has its data transformed into a polynomial and then a linear combination done on its points, producing a serialized G1 point (48 bytes in size) which serves as the commitment. This is further compressed into a versioned hash (32 bytes) for forward compatibility.

This process can be done naively (very slow) or via Pippenger's algorithm.


Now we want to show that we know the original data in the blob, otherwise the polynomial. In other words, we want to show that we know \(p(z) = y\), where y is the evaluation of the polynomial at some point \(z\).

The simplest way to do that is if the prover sends the entire polynomial to the verifier, but that would defeat the point of the commitment scheme - we would ideally want cost savings when we go through the trouble of using such a scheme!

Now what is this is point \(z\)? This is usually called a challenge - this is a random field element that the verifier sends to the prover, allowing the prover to evaluate the polynomial to prove its integrity. This requires the prover and verifier to communicate directly with each other, which isn't ideal. Instead, we rely on the Fiat-Shamir heuristic by letting the prover and verifier agree on a format prior to the protocol to simulate this interaction. Both the prover and verifier independently calculate the challenge, by hashing a 'transcript' (the simulation) into a field element, which serves as our challenge.

Using this challenge to evaluate the polynomial, we get the evaluation and the evaluation proof that attests to the fact that the polynomial was correctly evaluated in the eyes of the prover.

The evaluation proof is actually the quotient polynomial \(q(x)\) such that

\[ q(x) = \frac{p(x) - y}{x - z} \]

To derive this: we know that if \(z\) is a root of \(p(x)\), then \(p(z) = 0\), Using this property, we can actually take advantage of the fact that \(p(x) - y\) is zero at \(z\) to express a quotient polynomial \(q(x)\).


Verification is then done with a pairing check, which I treated as a black box for this post and implementation because I don't know enough to make sensible comments. Instead, I've linked to Vitalik's blog post on the topic.


Interestingly enough, we can re-express the above quotient polynomial in order to batch prove across a set of points:

\[ q(x) = \frac{p(x) - i(x)}{z(x)} \]

Here, \(i(x)\) is a polynomial (in Lagrange form) of a set of points to prove, and \(z(x)\) is the zero or vanishing polynomial that is the set of linear factors that can divide \(p(x) - i(x)\).

Verification is then just using the same pairing check, except on linear combinations of group elements instead! You can see this in action within the code, where linear combinations (naively computed for security reasons) are done in the batch verification function, both in my port as well as the original version.

Zig implementation

I ported c-kzg-4844 to Zig just to learn what goes behind the scheme. I wrote previously about porting another C project to Zig so for general impressions you can check that post out. I'll post thoughts specifically comparing my implementation with the C version.

C Interop

For the Zig implementation, like the C version, I relied on blst for the backend, which means I had a chance to finally try C interop after using Zig for some time. Zig natively supports C ABIs, making it possible for new programs to be built leveraging C libraries.

Frankly, it surprised me with how easy it was to just build blst and use it as a static library in Zig. Zig pointers also coerce nicely to C pointers, which was super convenient to not have to do weird casts when calling blst.

Why bother with C? Well, when a C library is audited and battle-tested, it may be better to just use it rather than reinvent the wheel, which is exactly what Zig enables you to do easily.

Defer is great

In the C implementation, there's heavy abuse of gotos in order to free data whenever some computation finishes or when errors occur. This is where C gets a bad rap, because the need to do manual memory management along with copious amounts of indirection leads to bug-prone code.

Instead of doing all that, Zig encourages the alloc-defer pair pattern:

    const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
    // This allocates
    const cfg = try KZGTrustedSetupConfig.loadFromFile(
    // This frees when out of scope
    defer cfg.deinit();

This means less cognitive load on thinking about where and when to free your memory.

General cleanliness

Generally, the Zig version felt slightly cleaner to me and came out to about ~1100LOC (including tests). The c_kzg_4844.c file alone came to about 1.5x of that.


Implementing the 4844 variant of KZG for myself was a good practice for me to uncover what goes behind the scenes during KZG, and its connection to EIP-4844. While this isn't really made to be used as a SNARK, it is still really cool to see commitment schemes used in practice.

Commitment schemes are like magic when applied in the right scenarios to save on space and the work to be done.